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Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

North Macedonia

Reforming skills and education policy for a brighter future

The European Training Foundation (ETF) cooperates with and complements the work of the European Commission and the European External Action Service in its support to North Macedonia, and provides assistance to the Delegation of the European Union to North Macedonia, making inputs to EU policy monitoring mechanisms, including progress on education and training and employment policy.

The ETF is actively supporting the implementation of actions in the Osnabrück Declaration in the region, in close cooperation with its sister agency Cedefop. The Osnabrück Declaration sets out policy actions for the 2021–25 period, in support of the Council Recommendation on vocational education and training (VET) for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience. The national implementation plan for North Macedonia describes how the country plans to address EU priorities and achieve its national objectives in VET.

The ETF also gives input to the Economic Reform Programme, assessment of progress on the Small Business Act for Europe and wider human capital developments reported in the Torino Process. North Macedonian actors are encouraged to participate in European platforms and dialogue processes.

The ETF is monitoring the implementation of qualifications reform, cooperating with other donors to review the VET financing framework engaging further social partners and improve financing models. It is monitoring the establishment of the regional VET centres and the re-organisation of the vocational school network, developing a mapping on work-based learning developments, and supporting the Delegation in assessing the relevance, credibility and progress of relevant sector strategies. The ETF supports the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the National Employment Agency in refining the employment strategic framework and enhancing skills intelligence gathering to better link VET and labour market demand. 

More information

Effectiveness and innovation potential in the area of ALMPs in North Macedonia
Work-based learning in North Macedonia, Factsheet, 2020 update
Quality assurance in vocational education and training in North Macedonia – 2020
Country brief North Macedonia