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Moving towards lifelong learning

The European Training Foundation (ETF) cooperates with and complements the work of the European Commission and the European External Action Service in supporting Morocco, including providing assistance to the Delegation of the European Union to Morocco

Morocco is actively involved in the Torino Process whose sixth edition was launched in Rabat in March 2023. This participatory analysis of education and training systems and policies contributes to the country’s policy development and to the programming cycle of the European Union and other donors in terms of skills and human capital development.

Several Moroccan vocational centres have joined the ETF Network for Excellence. Morocco is also a member of the ETF Quality Assurance Forum

The ETF supports the EU Delegation in implementing the PIAFE programme (Programme intégré d’appui à la formation et à l’éducation), providing expertise in the area of qualifications – to make qualifications more relevant, readable and understandable for Moroccan employers and citizens and easier to compare across Europe, Africa and beyond to support international mobility and labour migration. Further steps: implement the National Qualifications Framework, and link it to the African Continental Qualifications Framework and the European Qualifications Framework to support lifelong learning.

In addition, the ETF provides policy advice on the skills dimension of the migration policy by supporting the European Commission and the EU Delegation in implementing the next THAMM programme (Towards a Holistic Approach to Labour Migration Governance and Labour Mobility in North Africa) and Talent Partnerships.

More information

Migration et compétences Maroc
NQF_Morocco fiche
L’assurance qualité dans l’enseignement et la formation professionnels au Maroc
Skills and migration Morocco - Infographic