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In view of the involvement of the Belarusian regime in the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian armed forces, the European Union has decided to introduce a number of sanctions against the Russian aggressors as well as against the Belarusian regime.


The EU cooperates with Belarus* in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy and its eastern regional dimension, the Eastern Partnership.  It provides inputs to the relevant bilateral sub-committees, Mobility Partnership dialogue and monitoring, and the annual update on education, training and employment developments. Belarus is an active participant in ETF regional and thematic initiatives including the Torino Process, Make-it-Match network and Work-based Learning Forum.  

The ETF supports the Delegation of the European Union to Belarus, providing content and methodological advice on EU-funded support on employment and vocational education and training, and drafting specifications, defining actions and support to project beneficiaries for the EU’s follow-up technical assistance project.

* ETF support to Belarus takes place in the context of the Secretariat-General note of 1 March 2022, Ares(2022)1502984.

More information

Quality assurance in vocational education and training in Belarus – 2021
Belarus – Education, training and employment developments 2020
Torino Process 2018-20 Belarus: Recommendations for policy makers – Infographic
Work-based learning in Belarus, Factsheet 2020
Digital skills and online learning in Belarus, Factsheet 2020
Platform work in Belarus – Infographic