Internationalising vocational excellence

Internationalising vocational excellence

Since 2021, the ETF has been supporting the international dimension of centres of vocational excellence (CoVEs) on behalf of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. 

project identifier

Building on the work of the ETF’s Network for Excellence (ENE), this two-year (April 2023–April 2025), EUR 1.5 million EU-funded project – implemented by the ETF – is part of the EU’s strategy to make CoVEs an engine for the development of vocational excellence through international collaboration.

Through the project, we are developing support services for vocational schools, such as:

  • curating existing knowledge and creating new knowledge packages in vocational excellence, including success stories, guidelines and research reports;
  • organising events and capacity-building activities to improve the quality and inclusiveness of the offer of vocational schools;
  • supporting networking and collaboration around the Erasmus+ calls for proposals and beyond;
  • implementing and further developing the International Self-Assessment Tool for CoVEs (ISATCOVE);
  • piloting a new recognition system to give visibility to excellence maturity in the EU and beyond.

Learn more on Centres of vocational excellence and/or contact us at [email protected] 


ISATCOVE is a digital platform developed to allow vocational education and training (VET) centres and providers to evaluate (specific aspects of) their activities against the best practices worldwide. It helps VET providers to identify what to improve, set clear goals, track progress, and engage in global knowledge sharing.


VET centres and schools participating in the implementation of ISATCOVE will receive coaching on how to: 

  • plan and design their self-assessment;
  • interpret the results;
  • write development plans based on the results of the self-assessment. 

Interested to participate in ISATCOVE next implementation phases? 
Contact us at [email protected] or submit this form.