UA Re-Emerge(ncy)

UA Re-Emerge(ncy): e-learning and skills development to rebuild Ukraine

In the framework of the Creating New Learning initiative, the European Training Foundation (ETF) has launched an emergency support programme for Ukraine in response to the Russian military aggression which has severely damaged education infrastructure and critically affected education and training processes across the country (see ETF weekly update).  

The purpose of the programme, called UA Re-Emerge(ncy): e-learning and skills development to rebuild Ukraine, is to collect and adapt professional short modules and other e-learning resources from the EU and EU neighbouring countries, which will give Ukrainian learners the opportunity to enrol in high-quality vocational e-learning, reskilling and upskilling courses.  Participation in this programme will ensure that Ukrainian learners will acquire the skills and knowledge required by their local labour markets and gain micro-credentials recognised by employers.

In order to align the training offer with the demand of employers, the ETF will support dialogue between sectoral experts, training providers and employers.

The initial phase of the UA Re-Emerge(ncy) programme will focus on the Dnipropetrovsk region and will collect teaching and training materials in the following priority areas: energy efficiency, construction and restoration, and green energy. Active engagement with employers and training providers from the Dnipropetrovsk region will contribute to the recognition of acquired competences of learners and immediate employability of successful graduates of these courses in the local labour market.

It is envisaged that after the initial phase, the programme will be rolled out to other regions and extended to include additional industrial sectors.

This initiative is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. 

MoES Ukraine logo

What are we looking for?

We are collecting vocational learning experiences, micro courses, professional short modules and other e-learning resources from EU member states and EU neighbouring countries, as well as globally, which can provide Ukrainian learners (both inside and outside the country) with the opportunities to acquire micro-credentials. These training modules and materials should support blended learning in a variety of forms including online, offline, self-study or in-company. Materials could include:

  • theoretical and practical training material for learners (short professional online training modules, video and audio materials, static and animated learning tools, reading materials, simulations, XR/VR-based modules, etc.);
  • teacher/tutor guides and support materials;
  • assessment and certification material, etc.

Submitted materials will be reviewed for compatibility with the demand from the Ukrainian labour market and education system. The selected short learning experiences will be professionally translated, adapted to the local learning requirements and included in an open platform for learners in Ukraine.

Openly licensed materials will be privileged. For copyrighted resources, the copyrights of the original materials will remain with their owners, and the conditions of reuse will be agreed upon with each owner.

Why should you submit a training course/module/e-learning resource?

  • The Russian military aggression has had a devastating impact on the lives of Ukrainians, and the disruption to daily life, education and training is enormous.  Nearly 30% of the Ukrainian population is now considered to be either a refugee or temporarily displaced.  Vocational education infrastructure has been hugely impacted, with more than half of all VET facilities in Donetsk and Luhansk now categorised as either damaged or destroyed.  In neighbouring region Kharkiv, just under half of all VET schools have been damaged or destroyed (see ETF weekly update).
  • By submitting your training courses, modules and e-learning resources, you will support the Ukrainian education and training system and will contribute to the development of skills desperately needed for the reconstruction of the country.
  • Developers of the most innovative online learning resources will have the opportunity to be invited to workshops and events organised by the ETF to share their innovations and connect with practitioners, policymakers, experts and partners in the EU, European neighbouring countries and globally.
  • You will become a part of the community of experts working on innovative teaching and learning.

How to apply? *

Applying is easy. Complete this online submission form, being sure to fully answer all the questions and include links to all relevant learning materials. Every application will be reviewed by the ETF’s experts and, if necessary, the ETF will contact you to clarify any issues and agree on the use of the materials.

This is an urgent call to collect high-quality learning materials and resources in the priority areas of energy efficiency, construction and restoration, and green energy. In order to provide timely support to Ukrainian learners, we encourage materials to be submitted as soon as possible.

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* Due to the Russian aggression in Ukraine, in line with the EU position, all activities involving Russia and Belarus are currently suspended. Practices submitted by nationals of these countries will not, therefore, be considered eligible.

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